1x apple 1x cherry smoking chip set

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100% Natural wood – absolutely no added ingredients! Perfect for use on all barbeque types including Kamado and Kettle style. Ideal for use on Weber and Big Green Egg Smokers Simply soak for 30 mins and then drain for best results! Place the chips directly onto hot charcoal or use a smoking pan, close the lid and allow the smoke to infuse your food!


100% Natural wood – absolutely no added ingredients! Perfect for use on all barbeque types including Kamado and Kettle style. Ideal for use on Weber and Big Green Egg Smokers Simply soak for 30 mins and then drain for best results! Place the chips directly onto hot charcoal or use a smoking pan, close the lid and allow the smoke to infuse your food! Apple One of the lightest smoking woods, apple has a sweet and mild flavour that makes it great for smoking white meats, including fish and chicken. It is also great for cooking desserts (Smoked Apple Pie, anyone?). It is commonly used with pork because of its slightly sweet and subtly smoky flavour. Cherry Mellow and sweet with a slight tartness, cherry wood chips are a good match for almost any type of meat. Because of their mild flavour, they won’t dominate or mask any of the great taste of the meats. They are at their best with pork, duck, venison, and poultry. You can also smoke veggies in cherry wood chips to add a unique flavour to them!


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